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 Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores

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Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores Empty
PostSubject: Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores   Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores EmptySun Jan 01, 2017 8:54 pm

Happy New Year everyone.

I am due to fly out for a week's holiday in the Azores (Sao Miguel) in mid January. I am hoping to negotiate a pass out from the wife to do a dive (water temps about 16-17 degrees centigrade) . Just wondering whether anyone has any experience and /or knowledge about diving schools there?

Best wishes

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Ian G
Rescue Diver
Ian G

Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores   Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores EmptyMon Jan 02, 2017 11:46 am

Sorry, never been there. You might get some ideas from Sport Diver or PADI websites.Have fun.
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Can anyone recommend a diving operation in the Azores
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